Fragokastelo in Southern Crete



“Bacteria feeding on antibiotics - Eating the poisonous. The case of Microbacterium BR1 and sulfonamides B”

Philippe CORVINI

Institute for Ecopreneurship, School of Life Sciences, FHNW (Switzerland)


Electrobioremediation, a new player in the water sector: case studies


Chemical Engineering Department, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain


“Terminus project: Paving the way for circular and recyclable plastic multilayers”

Vincent VERNEY

CEO, Recycle Consulting – Sustainable Plastics by Design, Clermont-Ferrand (France)


“Novel tales for ancient contaminants: impacts and fates of plastics in terrestrial environments”

Edoardo  PUGLISI

Faculty of Agricultural, Food & Environmental Sciences, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)


“PRIORITY: connecting communities working on micro- and nanoplastics”


Chem-Bio-Nano Division, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia (Italy)


“Marine biotechnology in support of the AGENDA 2030 for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”

Concetta Maria MESSINA 

Department of Earth and Marine Science, Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)


“Towards Sustainable Water and Land Management  - Optimizing the Water-Ecosystem-Food Nexus at Koiliaris Critical Zone Observatory”


School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete (Greece)


Depolluting the Mediterranean: join the European Mission 

Sieglinde GRUBER 

Senior Advisor EU Commission- Former Head of Unit of the Healthy Seas and Oceans Unit, European Commission


“Constructed Wetlands for sustainable wastewater management in a circular economy: global experiences and case studies”


School of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete (Greece)


Biorecovery of heavy metals from waste waters and their valorization as biocatalysts


Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) - University of Florence (Italy)